Thursday 5 May 2011

What a Certificate IV in Business can do for you ?

It's not commonly known that you can get your own business qualifications which can lead to tertiary education and degrees. The Certificate IV in Business, for example, is a good all round qualification which provides multiple academic options.
Certificate studies have become extremely popular in Australia because of this versatility. They’re also now being recognized as providing particularly useful skills for the new generation of New Economy businesspeople, many of whom have other qualifications, but lack business training.

Career pathways with Certificate IV in Business

Generally speaking, Certificate IV in Business is a study option for anybody with high school qualifications. It's also one of the very useful "catchall" qualifications which provides an easier entry option for people seeking university entrance qualifications. The Certificate IV is also particularly useful for mature age people seeking career change qualifications.

The basic pathways for Certificate IV are:

These diplomas are nationally recognized qualifications for university entrance in their respective fields. The Certificate IV and the diplomas are also both acceptable qualifications for job applications in these areas.

Doing a Certificate IV is easy and productive

The Certificate IV studies take approximately 7 months. This course includes all the basics of business:
  • Business administration
  • Fundamental accountancy
  • Market research
  • Financial activity reports
  • Product and service promotion
  • Risk management
These studies include practical, hands-on work. This type of study is invaluable when it is directly connected to your own job. You can benefit both through your studies and through your work by being able to apply what you learn in your Certificate IV in training on the job.

The Certificate IV and career goals

Another great advantage of the Certificate IV in Business is that it allows you to set multiple career goals from one qualification. If, for example, your career goal is to become a marketing manager, Certificate IV allows you to do both the Diploma in Business Marketing and the Diploma in Management! That's good value for one qualification.
For the New Economy businesspeople, the Certificate IV supports their career goals in another, quite invaluable way. Certificate IV in Business teaches the, concepts and methods of proper business administration and management. This training also helps people like freelancers in media, independent professionals and other skilled people learn the “language” of business and to understand the issues affecting their clients.
When setting career goals, Certificate IV can act as a very useful key, unlocking career possibilities quickly and cheaply. In seven months, a student can go from being completely unqualified to holding a nationally recognized certificate with the option to pursue careers in three different fields of business. That's a big jump from a dead-end, go-nowhere job.
Certificate IV in Business can take you anywhere you want to go in all these different areas. If you're looking for a qualification which will always be useful, Certificate IV deserves to be considered first when you're looking at your qualifications options.

1 comment:

  1. Hey I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed reading your blog. You have good views, Keep up the good informative info. thnks
    Certificate IV in Frontline Management
