Sunday 18 December 2011

The challenge of freewill

You wake up in the morning and you start making all kinds of choices: what to do, where to go, what to drink, what to eat, what to wear... If you forget one thing (let's say your laptop), you feel it was your fault and you are responsible for it (the act of forgetting) You start blaming yourself. Most of us consider that we have free will and we are certain about it. "YES IT EXISTS" It is known to be the power of choosing the course of action. But is it simply this power, which allows us to control our events, so what determines the free will, then?  Our brain ?! Our motives ?! Our entourage ?! 
This article gives a brief examination of how freedom of actions relates to free will. It also explores an argument for Libertarianism questioning the human actions and the subject of causality. It will then confront it with two arguments for hard determinism based on the relationship between human actions and prior events of the person.

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