Wednesday 23 May 2012

[Part 1] Things to do before you are old and boring

I am an engineer. My lovely sister is a student at the university [performing some kind of blood tests and working with syringes, she like it :S !!]. Please, if you are not awesome enough, just ignore what is said here. Peace.

Certain things in life are guaranteed. Firstly, we will get old, and secondly, we will die …, Ok I am not a "drama queen" … If not dying, we'll probably become boring too, without realizing it. Surely you've noticed how much time old people happily spend talking about when they were young? Well, this "lengthy & boring :p" post offers a way to ensure that you also have hundreds of great memories to sustain you and plenty to talk about when you become old and boring. If you don't do these things now, the chances are you never will. So best get going before it's too late!

Send a message in a bottle, bury a time capsule, make your own T-shirts and badges, create a unique milkshake, start a new trend, start your own blog & website, learn to do something that no one else can do, invent a secret code, hide reassure and leave a map for someone to find, and much, much more …

1. [Adventure] Send a message in a bottle
Throwing a bottle with a message in it out to sea is traditionally a form of SOS. But it can also be an exciting way to make contact with people who live far away. Imagine a world without technology. Only the forces of nature and chance can help your message reach someone. Be patient, it could be years before it's found!

PS: Start your message with something like [Help! I am stranded on a desert island] and write a little story about how you got there, how long you've been there and how you are managing to survive. The trouble with this is that you'll never know if your bottle was ever found.

2. [Mischief] Run up an Escalator … the wrong way
You need plenty of stamina for this. When you're standing at the bottom of an escalator, running up it doesn't seem such a daunting prospect. After all, they move pretty slowly, and you can easily see the top. However, you've got to remember that an average escalator is one and a half times longer than a staircase of the same size. And don't forget that the steps are much higher and will require more exertion. Still up for the challenge?

Running to Stand Still
PS: Find an escalator. Ok, it is easy. In Lebanon, Shopping centers are probably your best bet. [Try those escalators in Beirut Souk, they are awesome], or if you live in a European city, you've got plenty of choice on the underground. Start with a short one and pace yourself, or if you are not energetic enough, you will run out of steam before you reach the top. It's a long, humiliating way down if you fail.

3. [Create] Make an Origami Crane
Origami is the art of folding paper to create intricate designs. Its history is vague, but historians believe the roots of origami begin in China with the invention of paper back in the 2nd century. Introduced into Japan in the 6th century, origami gradually, over many centuries, became a highly developed art form and a popular pastime.
Only the simplest origami designs survived through history, but the crane is the most famous of them and one of the first to have been written down. There is a Japanese legend that if you make 1,000 origami cranes, your dreams will come true. So make a wish and get folding!

In the fold
PS: Did you know that the maximum number of times you can fold an A4 paper in half [having the size of it with each fold] is seven times ? GO ON - TRY IT!

4. [Family & Friends] Learn How to tell when someone … fancies you [and when they don't]

It is really hard to tell if someone fancies you. One minute you're convinced that they do, but the next they're not even talking to you anymore. All those playing-hard-to-get games can really make your head hurt. If you're ever to get the courage to ask someone out, you need to know that there is at least some chance they'll say yes. Fortunately, there are a few subtle ways to tell if they like you. Learn some vital body-language tips here.

My Mate Fancies You
Positive signs: They sit or stand very close to you when possible. They playfully tease you a lot. They send you lots of text messages. They seem nervous around you. They gaze at you or look away when you make eye contact [the shy ones]. They seem to be in the same place as you A LOT. They laugh at your jokes, even the terrible ones. They show a lot of interest in your love life. They get their mate to tell you that they fancy you.
Unreliable signs: They tease you a lot, sometimes nastily. They laugh at you a lot. They don't acknowledge your existence. They ask for help with their homework. They invite you to their party. They joke about the two of you going out with each other. Your mate tells you that this person fancies you.

5. [Hobbies] Keep a dream diary

Have you ever dreamt about being chased or failing a test you already did? Perhaps you've had mornings where you thought you'd got ready for school but realized you just dreamt it? A dream diary allows you to capture those dreams before they're lost forever, and looking back on them might help you make some sense out of them. Dreams can tell you a lot about what makes you happy, what you're worried or excited about and many other things you never realized you were feeling.

Dream On

Some dreams have well-known meanings, e.g. flying can mean you feel in control of things, whereas falling might suggest you're anxious or insecure. You'll find information on the internet that will help you interpret your dreams. Or you can buy a book about it [Magy farah, Karmen Chammas, Najlaa Kabbani, Joumana Kobeissy …]

6. [Nature, Pets & Animals] Touch These creatures
There are millions of different creatures on Earth, from aardvarks to zebras, from fleas to whales. Some you will never get to touch, and in the case of the huge and vicious or the small and poisonous ones, that's just as well. But for creatures you're almost certain to come across, wouldn't it be better to get over any irrational fears now, than be a scared and phobic adult? The longer you leave it, the harder it will be.
Animal Antics

PS: Be gentle!! Some of these creatures are fragile, so be careful not to hurt or squeeze them. Some can also give a nasty bite. Where possible, touch the domestic, and use Pif-Paf for the wild variety!!

7. [Fame & Fortune] Prepare yourself for fame
We've all tried to imagine what it would be like to be famous. Going to the shops in a chauffeur-driven limo, treated like royalty and waited on hand and foot. [If your parent spoils you a lot, this may already sound familiar!] These days, being a celebrity is a job in itself – it can happen to almost anyone and some people are truly awful at it. [YES, MONEY BUY HAPPINESS :S] So don’t be negative about your ambitions to be rich and famous – just make sure that when you get there, you know how to behave and not make a fool of yourself.

When will I be famous?
Note: You'll need to be one step ahead fashion-wise. Turn heads without looking like you're in fancy dress. Ask friends to take photos of you to help you discover your best angle and get used to being in front of the camera. [Practice smiling and keeping cool in tricky situations] You have to be on your best behavior as a celebrity or the press will have you for dinner.

8.[Learn to…] Play an Instrument

Have you ever found in school music lessons that you never get to play the instrument you want? Instead of getting to bang drums and crash cymbals, you end up with the tambourine, or worse still, cow bells. Of course, everyone can play at least one great instrument: the air guitar. It is easy to pick up and play straightaway, and no one can tell you you're rubbish. But it is time to put down those bells and that air guitar and learn a serious instrument. How else will you get to play on stage with your favorite musicians in front of hundreds of fans?


As soon as you feel ready, join a music group or start a band, because playing with other people is great fun, and performing in front of people may be scary, but it is exciting too!

9. [Sport & Activity] Play a Computer Game to the End
It is too easy to get hooked on a computer game. They lull you into a false sense of security by allowing you to do reasonably well, and then ZAP! – Some gruesome creature, hidden sniper, kung-fu fighter or the Brazilian team comes out of nowhere and suddenly it's [Game Over]. Before long you have clocked up 40 hours of playing and you are still nowhere near completing it. It is all you can think about, all you can see when you close your eyes. Nothing is more important than finishing this game!!

"Take it to the Next Level"
Complete the game without help. Your sense of achievement will be far greater if you do it on your own. Don't be a cheat if you can help it.

If you do get completely stuck and need help, simply turn to the internet there are plenty of sites [most of them are Russians: P] that can help you reach the final [impossible] level !!

 Depending on the game, you may be able to save your position. Use this wisely, saving only when your energy is high and you are just about to face a difficult bit. Then save again if you manage to get past that bit and have enough energy to continue.

To keep your stamina and concentration up, take regular breaks. Get up to stretch or walk around every 20 minutes, as it reduces the risk of RSI [Repetitive Strain Injury] or DVT [Deep Vein Thrombosis]. RSI affects hand, arm or shoulder muscles, causing great pain if they are over used especially if they are repeating the same movement over and over [Like hitting the 'Fire' button]. DVT is a condition people can get on very long flights, where big periods of inactivity can lead to blood clots. Don’t become a victim! Use that 'Pause' OR 'Save' button!

10. [Miscellaneous] Have an Embarrassing Moment and Get over it
There are things in life that you just have to accept, and being totally humiliated is one of them. Sure, some embarrassing moments could be avoided, but we are all human and we all make mistakes, so the best thing to do is take it on the chin and laugh at yourself before someone else does ;) This is a great way to defuse the situation. You cannot go back in time and change things, so either laugh and forget it or learn from it and move on!
Embarrassing situations come in all forms. They include: farting loudly, saying something stupid, being sick, wetting yourself, falling over or walking into something in public; being caught getting changed, sitting on the toilet, with flies undone or skirt tucked into pants, or singing or talking to yourself; forgetting your words in a play or speech, or messing up in a music performance; and asking someone out only for them to say no. Ouuuch !!

Always look on the Bright side of Life[fULL HALf of the glass]

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