Wednesday 6 June 2012

[Part 2] Things to do before you are old and boring

11.    [Learn to] Make weird Noises
Making noises (i.e. whistling  ...) is a handy skill to have, perfect for grabbing someone's attention, showing your appreciation or keeping yourself company with a different voice. But not everyone can do it. Practicing on your own is the best way to learn, but don't worry if it doesn't come straightaway – [Practice makes perfect].

Therefore, the Art of making noises is very easy. All you have to do is use your hands over your mouth to muffle or amplify. Try whistling without fingers, whistling a tune, with one hand, or with two hands... And so on.
[Animal noise] Choose an animal you'd like to imitate. Listen carefully to them and try to mimic the noise. During my childhood, I was impressed by the sound produced by the cartoon character [Donald Duck] Now, I consider myself one of the few people in this world that can mimic the voice of Donald Duck.

12.  [Sport & Activity] Play something, Win Something!
To win is to come top [Tete de Liste], to be the best, better than all the rest. There are loads of different kinds of competitions, awards and races to be won. Some may require skill, others luck. Either way, winning gives you a great feeling.
However, if you are not good at competitions, try [Acting in a Play]. Well, acting allows you to do just that. It is ideal for show-offs, giving them the chance to be well and truly in the spotlight. But if you are shy, you should give it a go too. First you will feel the rush of adrenaline in your blood, since performing in front of an audience will make you lose yourself. Do not hesitate to try it; it is a great confidence builder!

The bigger the competition (or race) the better...
Try challenges or competitions especially during the time you spend at university:
The rally paper is one of the biggest competitions held every year between universities in Lebanon.

13.  [Miscellaneous] Stay up All Night… Sleep all day!
Have you ever had a "Stayover"? Get your friends and family round and do your best to keep each other awake all night. This challenge will be too hard if you attempt it alone. Why? Because all you have to do if you are alone to stay awake is watching films, reading or playing computer games.  However, by getting your friends around, you can play board games, cards [i.e. 14, 400, likha, poker …] or just chatting which are considered as highly stimulating activities.
In this way if one of you starts to fade, someone will be there to provide a friendly poke!

PS. don't eat too much food, chocolate or chips… It will make you feel sleepy J
So here is the list of things to do so that can keep you awake later than:
7 pm: Studying
8 pm: Working
9 pm: Play station, Xbox…
10 pm: Going Out
11 pm: Assignments
12 pm: Chatting online
1 am: facebooking
2 am: hanging out with friends [watching a film [cinema etc…]]
3 am: watching TV
4 am: Listening to your favorite music
5 am: Blogging
6 am: camping
7 am: more and more caffeine
8 am: let's say dancing all night
Till 9 am ... Seriously?!! Censored [If you know what I mean]
Then the next morning, after you have watched the sunrise [an event that I consider very astonishing especially if you are going back home with your car or after staying awake all night on the balcony] send all people home and move on to the next step: [Obviously… Sleep all day] It can be so hard to get out of bed sometimes. There are mornings [especially Mondays] when it just feels impossible, even though your biological clock will force you to get up. Do you know that more than one third of your life is spent sleeping. The idea is very simple, try to block out as much daylight as you can and stay away from all stimulating things in your room.

14.  [Nature, Pets & Animals] Grow something from a Seed!
I bought myself a partly grown plant [Fig], but it's much more satisfying to grow one from a seed indoors and nurture it until it's ready to go into the big wide world.
Pollution, deforestation, climate change – these are just a few of the reasons why planting, recycling and energy conservation are so important.  For centuries our planet has been misused and abused and it can't cope anymore. So that is why we all have to act now and start saving our planet by recycling, transplanting, saving energy and water…

PS. Plant a tree… and climb it when you are Older! : P

15.  [Hobbies] Start a collection!
Most people have a collection in one form or another. What is yours? Autographs, stamps, Lego, stickers … I have a collection of money [& coins] Every time I travel to a new country, I keep them with me till I get back to my country. 

just a simple !

16.  [Create] Make a one-minute Movie!
Most directors start their careers making short films. They are a good way to experiment with ideas, finding out what works and what doesn't without spending the heap of cash a longer film would need. In the past, during rally paper, [Sport & Activity No. 12], it was required to do a short movie where the members of the team should play with different instruments. Take a look:

17.   [Miscellaneous] Visit!
There are thousands of amazing sites to visit around the world, but what about the great things on your own doorstep? Many people go their whole lives without seeing them because they take them for granted. Especially that our country is too small for interesting tours [10452 m2]. Travelling around the world is something to look forward to as you become more and more independent in your life.

You can visit [Sidon, Faraya, Jeita Grotto and Byblos, visit also the Safari parks, Carnivals, Beiteddine Festivals, Mountains, Castles [Moussa], a theme park, a farm, an aquarium, the countryside [not recommended], another country [Europe, US, gulf countries, Turkey…]

18.  [Learn to] Bake a cake
Baking a cake is fun, it is easy and it is a great way to enjoy your time. Best of all, you get to eat all your good work.

PS. a cake baked in a PCB [Printed Circuit Board] shape, Only Electrical Engineers will like it!
19.  [Hobbies] Start your own BLOG!
Certainly, blogging is one of my favorite hobbies. You are now accessing one of my favorite sites on the web! The word [Blog] is derived from the word [weblog]. A blog is an online journal where you can record your thoughts, feelings and everyday activities for anyone in the world to read. Some people update them every day, while others update it once a month. It is easy and free. All you have to do is register in one of the blog provider online. Then, start by sharing topics you like. You only need some creativity and you are done!

Some information about my blog:
2010 was the year I started my blog somewhere at AUB is the address of my blog. However, I decided to shorten that long URL into to make it easy for public and somehow to relate it to my home country Lebanon.
I use my REAL name in this Blog [Mahmoud Zeineddine]
I get regular readers for my blog [approximately 1800 visitors/mo. And 10,000 was the number of visitors during the first year]
ZeWeX is the nickname I [& my friends] regularly use [for entertainment]
 I write about daily events, society, friends, pets and animals, holidays, college, sport, film and TV, books, music, computer games and cyberspace, technology, science, anything and everything … and I don't give a kcuf about politics!
Posts Freq.: I write 2/3 times a week.
Some of the blogs I regularly communicate with: Youngester, Fairouziat, Stress, Hanzala, Paulocoelhoblog …

20.  [Nature, Pets & Animals] Take care of an animal
Taking care of an animal isn't as easy as you might think. For a start, if it is hungry you can't just ignore it because you are busy – it can't feed itself. You've got to be there for it every day. It is a big responsibility [cleaning, exercising…etc]. I think if you have a pet, you will know all about it.

In fact, I like cats, lions & horses. Do you imagine yourself taking care of a lion, EH?!!

21.  [Learn to] Like these foods
Why is that the truly awful foods are the ones that claim to be good for you? Perhaps you'd rather eat jam sandwiches for the rest of your life than have a nibble of anything green, anything that was alive or anything that has come into contact with the carrots on your plate. The thing is, it's actually worth trying to like some foods, because it will make your life a lot easier if you do. Not only is there the health factor, but you'll have much more choice in restaurants, it will save embarrassment when you go round to people's houses  and they serve something you don't like, and you will never be denied pudding again because you didn't finish your main course.

Try to like these foods [Broccoli, Shellfish, Lettuce, Carrots, Coconut, Peas, Tomatoes…] in addition to all other seafood [Hamour, jumbo shrimps …]

22.  [Adventure] Go as fast as you can
How fast can you run? How fast can you ride your bike? How fast is it possible to go? Have you got the energy and the guts to find out?

Running: Place [Fayyadiye, Baabda], Speed [3200 m 18.75 min, place: 3rd], during an event for lebarmy
Cycling: Place [Mount Lebanon], Mountain Bike, Speed [168.80 Km/h]

23.  [Hobbies] Watch films [or series] & Read Books
The great films are the ones you love more every time you see them. They live with you long after the credits have gone up because you are inspired by the characters, the music, the special effects, and the whole emotional ride of the story – taking you through excitement, terror, madness, sadness, delight and laughter. Some films are especially good at transporting you to worlds you would love to be part of.

Some of the greatest books of all time have been children's books. Generations of young and old alike have loved Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and J.R.R. Tolkien's the Hobbit or more recently J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series and his Dark Materials trilogy by Philip Pullman. This list also contains many great books that if you don't read now, you might miss out on forever, as there will be other books you think you should read when you are older. As with films, no one will ever be able to agree entirely on what the greatest books are. The joy of lists of [films and books] is debating them and adding to them.

Don't go, Wait for my final post about "things to do before you are old & boring" soon ! J

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